Author: Riccardo Iacobone
The concept of fraud in the field of wines and spirits goes far beyond the simple falsification of labels. Adulteration can involve various techniques such as diluting with water, adding alcohol, sugar or low-quality wine to a higher-quality one.
An organized activity in the field of anti-counterfeiting of wine is increasingly a necessity, because in Italy the food fraud market is worth about 83 million euros. In Europe the value rises to over 500 million with more than 2,000 jobs lost. According to EU data, in 2017 10% of European consumers, about 43 million, were tricked into buying a fake product with serious repercussions for the Italian wine sector.
It is clear that the use of a simple QR Code on the label is no longer sufficient to avoid falsifications, this too could easily be “hacked” and in any case it would not solve the problem of bottles filled with less valuable wine and in some cases harmful to health.
This is why a solution for the Italian wine sector is blockchain technology, a security to control the entire wine production cycle.
Literally it means “chain of blocks”. In practice it is a digital network, a register, which collects data, stores them, makes them accessible and visible to all with precise security rules. This is the blockchain, which does not only deal with cryptocurrencies, but is a technology thanks to which information can only be changed with the consent of all participants and with cross-validation mechanisms. Security, consent, transparency and immutability are therefore its main characteristics.
Applied to wine, this technology makes it possible to trace every single step of the production cycle:
from the field in which it was cultivated to the vines used, from treatments with pesticides to treatments with fertilizers or other agricultural treatments carried out, to the content of added sulphites. A sort of digital identity card of the product not only in terms of traceability and food safety but also of environmental sustainability and DOC – Controlled Designation of Origin. Brands and retailers as well as intermediate players in the supply chain will thus be able to rely on data verified by an independent third party to have full transparency and control over all processing steps. At the same time, the consumer will have access to information on production processes and product characteristics. By simply bringing their smartphone closer to the QR Code present on the label, the consumer will be able to access all the information regarding each stage of wine production, from the origin of its raw materials to the production process, from the checks passed to the certifications obtained and so on. , thus having certainty of the origin and authenticity of the bottles and thus being able to make their own purchasing choices in a completely conscious way.
Applied to wine, this technology makes it possible to trace every single step of the production cycle: from the field in which it was cultivated to the vines used, from treatments with pesticides to treatments with fertilizers or other agricultural treatments carried out, to the content of added sulphites. A sort of digital identity card of the product not only in terms of traceability and food safety but also of environmental sustainability and DOC – Controlled Designation of Origin. Brands and retailers as well as intermediate players in the supply chain will thus be able to rely on data verified by an independent third party to have full transparency and control over all processing steps. At the same time, the consumer will have access to information on production processes and product characteristics. By simply bringing their smartphone closer to the QR Code present on the label, the consumer will be able to access all the information regarding each stage of wine production, from the origin of its raw materials to the production process, from the checks passed to the certifications obtained and so on. , thus having certainty of the origin and authenticity of the bottles and thus being able to make their own purchasing choices in a completely conscious way.
If the blockchain therefore certainly offers an effective wine anti-counterfeiting strategy to companies, it is an equally important resource to protect the manufacturers from any fakes and to help them maximize the value of their investments in the quality of their products thanks to legal and engineering expertise. of experts in the field of intellectual and