To offer the Chinese public and beyond a selection of the best Italian wines, chosen by a jury of experts : this is the goal of BIWS Best Italian Wine Selection , the Wine Channel wine competition whose second edition was successfully held on 6th October 2020.
Numerous wines entered, arrived from all over Italy to be subjected to the judgment of the eight jurors, all professionals in the wine sector, with blind tasting. Every aspect of the wines is under examination, from the appearance to the olfactory characteristics, up to the taste, persistence, and harmony. The most appreciated were awarded with bronze, silver and gold medals depending on the score obtained and the wineries will receive a certificate to certify the performance of their wine.
But the journey of award-winning wines doesn’t stop there! The winners will be included in the next issue of 19Youbao , a magazine on Italian wine distributed in China and published by Wine Channel, accompanied by a QR code that can be scanned by the Chinese buyer to obtain information on where to buy it.
The BIWS Fall Edition follows the first edition – Summer Edition – which was held on July 7th. In this second competition, Sicily emerges victorious: in fact, there are numerous Sicilian wines awarded, as well as prestigious wines from the Veneto, Piedmont and Tuscany that often crowd the peaks of the wine rankings.
The general level of this selection was very high : 10 gold medals awarded, 35 silver ones and 19 bronze ones.
Registration for the Winter Edition is already open!