The weekly review of news on Italian wine for the Chinese market!
The 19Pindao team participated in the General Assembly of the Italian Wines Union, the central theme was sustainability, environmental but also economic and social. General satisfaction was expressed for the recently approved reform that made Italy the first country with a sustainability standard for wine, and the Minister of Policies Patuanelli stated that the implementing decree will arrive within the next harvest. The minister also accepted the requests of the UIV Secretary General Paolo Castelletti, who asked to move quickly on the creation of a logo to be placed on the bottles to signal sustainability, to better communicate this value to consumers. Another central theme was how to best use the funds made available by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (Pnrr) to accelerate the ecological transition and the digital transition. Many reference companies in the wine sector present to tell their experiences of sustainability, for example the Sicilian Settesoli and Firriato, the Sardinian Argiolas and the Marchesi Frescobaldi.
We still remain on the subject of UIV, which in a press release expresses its support for the initiative of the Minister of Agriculture, Stefano Patuanelli, to have taken action at the European Commission in formal opposition to the application for registration of the traditional mention of the Croatian product “Prosek” . The numbers of prosecco, says UIV, show how much the Prosecco system is the flag of our wine in the world, and denominations that would create confusion in consumers cannot be approved.
Signs of recovery for Vernaccia di San Gimignano which in the first half of the year recorded an increase in bottling of 18.95% compared to last year, in line with the trend of the years prior to the pandemic. In the first half of the year, a note explains, 2,860,682 bottles were produced, as stated in a note by the Vernaccia di San Gimignano consortium.
We close with an event: Milan returns to being the capital of wine on the occasion of the fourth edition of the Milan Wine Week to be held throughout the city from 2 to 10 October 2021. Federico Gordini, president of Milan Wine Week, declared: “The intention is to build an experience of fruition of the event that enhances physical participation with the support of digital tools”.
That’s all for today, thank you for being with us and see you next time!