The activity of the Italian Truffle Academy in the World in enhancing quality Italian truffles is also of a scientific nature and with its committee it carries out analyzes and researches both at an agronomic and environmental protection level to allow to reveal the genetic basis of one of the foods. richer in aroma and expensive in the world.
Truffles, known as the “kitchen diamonds”, are hypogeal fruiting bodies of mushrooms that live in symbiosis with the roots of plants, playing an important role in the ecosystem of the soil.
An international team which also included Italian researchers has sequenced the genes of the white truffle ( Tuber magnatum Pico) and the black truffle ( Tuber aestivum ).

Comparing these genomes with those of the precious black truffle (Tuber melanosporum), already sequenced, it was discovered that that of Tuber magnatum is composed of 190 million elements while the black one stops at 120 million. The genetic similarities between the black and white truffle species were surprising and unexpected, despite their evolutionary separation more than 100 million years ago. Among the similarities, genes related to symbiosis with plants and their ability to obtain nutrients from the soil were found and it was further shown that truffles have a limited set of genes that allow other fungi to degrade plant cell walls. on which they live. On the contrary, the expression of the wide repertoire of genes involved in the production of volatile organic compounds that participate in the formation of their pungent aroma, capable of attracting the animals that have the task of dispersing their spores, is finely regulated.

Precisely in order to correctly convey and disseminate these and other news on the world of truffles, the Italian Academy of Truffles in the world intends to become an element for sharing and disseminating different sectorial knowledge: biological, anthropological, gastronomic, economic. A point of reference for truffle enthusiasts and for information operators, for scientific researchers and operators of research and commerce, catering and hospitality and tourism.
Accademia Italiana del Tartufo is a food startup accelerator that supports quality producers and young catering professionals who dedicate time and resources to the pursuit of quality in the kitchen. We select young people to make them become entrepreneurs with a refined food-experience, real Managers of Happiness because truffles are not only a precious product but a world full of charm.
by Simone Savoia
Truffle Sensory School, is a unique and qualified reality in the academic panorama in the field of higher education around the truffle planet. A point of reference for professionals and companies, capable of intercepting the professional growth needs of those who deal with these aspects.
A vector of culture, economy and haute cuisine. From botany to cooking: starting from the forest we make the truffle known between the environment, tourist attraction and gastronomic culture, with the aim of enhancing it all year round.
Accademia Italiana del Tartufo in the world together with Mercatorum University, the digital platform of the Italian Chamber of Commerce, will present training courses accessible electronically (e-learning), aimed at professionals working in the supply chain and all those, graduates and non-graduates, who intend to enter it, improving their skills and making use of the best technologies of distance learning and personalized consultancy.

An educational commission made up of agronomists, botanists, food and wine doctors, sensorialists, sommeliers, scientific researchers, starred chefs, sector journalists, marketing experts has drawn up a study program with educational formats from 8 to 24 hours.
The mission is to give life to academic paths characterized by innovation, supported by a business incubator and accelerator. The training courses will be developed to learn the different aspects of the professions related to the world of truffles by acquiring the necessary skills to become a professional in the sector.
We will provide guidelines for professional and personal growth to affect the future of the economic dynamics linked to the world of truffles, enhancing research to produce advanced knowledge and promote innovation without losing sight of environmental ethics to ensure sustainable development.
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